If we break down the word discernment into the two Latin words it comes from, we get ‘dis’ (apart) and ‘cenere’ (to separate). To discern means ‘to separate apart’. Any time we have to choose between two or more options, we discern. Sometimes when both options are attractive, the best choice might not be obvious.
We know that God calls each one of us, but it can be hard to hear a specific direction to that call. In following the will of God, it is important that we discern properly and diligently. Here are some ways that can help you discern your vocation.
Prayer & Sacraments
We always begin with prayer. Developing an intimate relationship with God is essential if we are to discover His plan for us.
Saint John Paul II wrote, “This call, this mysterious inner voice of Christ, is heard most clearly in silence and prayer. The acceptance of the call is an act of faith”.
Essential to any vocation is staying near to Jesus through the Sacraments. Going to Holy Mass, spending time with Jesus in Adoration, and receiving healing and mercy through the Sacrament of Penance will allow us to be in the best state to be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Having someone to share the journey with is important in vocational discernment. It’s helpful to find a trusted person with whom you can share your thoughts, feelings, and prayer experiences. Spiritual Directors can help shed light on your prayer experiences and can be a voice of wisdom in helping with the discernment process. You will be empowered to answer the call in your own life with greater clarity.
BELONG TO A COMMUNITY and Serve those around you
We do not discern our vocation without having a community that calls us forward. The Church (the Body of Christ) is called to build each other up. No man or woman is an island, and we all need a community to grow in our faith. Engaging in the life of the Church through a community or parish is a sign of commitment. Our vocation can really begin with the way we love and serve God and others right where we are now.
the church discerns with you
Our vocation does not simply enjoy a personal dimension but rather flows from the Church and always towards the service of others - whether it be ordained, consecrated, or married vocations. When we are discerning the ordained or consecrated life we present ourselves to the Church for her to discern with us - just like a man proposes to a woman in marriage.
Trust in God and move
God cannot drive a parked car. Often, it’s scary to take the first step and express a concrete desire to follow a particular vocation. Yet we must be willing to take a risk, have the courage to go against the ordinary, and be bold in following Christ with our lives. Many people spend too long waiting, afraid to make a move. The process of discernment will eventually lead you to make a choice in faith.
We will never be 100% sure, but we know that we can never out-give God in generosity.